Early Childhood Care

The Early Childcare Education Certificate Program provides students the necessary skills and knowledge to work with young children and their families in diverse settings. Our program uses a play-based approach, with a focus on positive assets and strength-based perspectives. Hands-on practice tools are designed to give students the opportunity to apply theory into their practice in early childcare settings. This program mainly allows for specialization as either an Infant/Toddler Educator or a Special Needs Educator. Areas of learning include lifespan development; building relationships with children and families; creating curriculum; guiding behaviors; health, safety and nutrition; theories, ethics and philosophies; interpersonal and professional communication; observing and recording; and inclusive and diverse practices.

Learning Goals

Duration: 40 hours
Course prerequisite: Students/early career/school lunch supervisor/professional teacher

Content Goals

  • Analyze critical, current trends and issues in the early childhood field.
  • Identifying and applying laws, rules and ethical responsibilities.
  • Teaching practices, and identifying paths for professional growth and improvement.
  • Understand the importance of relationships in young children’s lives and the benefits, barriers, skills and data needed to develop culturally competent, collaborative partnerships and teams with children, families, other professionals, and organizations.
  • Discuss Govt. standards, guidelines, and regulations, including health and safety regulations, as they impact diverse early childcare programs.
  • Demonstrate, evaluate and refine skills needed by a professional in an early child care environment.

Needs of the Future Workforce and Benefits to the Economy

  • Quality Early Childcare Education programs benefit our future society and economy. Research shows that preschool education is a sound economic investment, due to the fact that every dollar invested in early education saves taxpayers costs in the future. It is an investment that pays great returns.

Course Outline

  • Module 1. Introduction to Early Child Care and Education (2hrs.)
  • Module 2. Role and Responsibilities (4hrs.)
  • Module 3. Child, Family and Community (4hrs.)
  • Module 4. Introduction to Child Development (4hrs.)
  • Module 5. Introduction to Prenatal and Infant Development (4hrs.)
  • Module 6. Introduction to Toddler Development (4hrs.)
  • Module 7. Health and Safety (2hrs.)
  • Module 8. Written Communication (4hrs.)
  • Module 9. Introduction to Preschool Development (4hrs.)
  • Module 10. Guiding Children (4hrs.)
  • Module 11. Nutrition. (4hrs.)

Course Curriculum